What is CLPL?

YDance is committed to the development of dance in educational settings across Scotland and has provided Career Long Professional Learning for Primary and Secondary school teachers and dance artists since 2010.  

Our aim is to develop practitioners’ skills and confidence in delivering creative dance, cross curricular dance sessions, core dance and SQA dance courses in schools. The CLPL courses  are delivered annually and provide an opportunity for practitioners delivering dance to upskill to ensure they provide breadth, challenge and application for their learners. The CLPL courses provide practical and experiential learning as well as creating a network with other teachers delivering dance in schools. 

Dance education within schools is a way for young people to express themselves physically, emotionally and creatively, enhancing their enjoyment of participation and their ability to co-operate with others whilst building confidence. Dance can be used as an intervention which supports learning and aims to increase engagement through a kinaesthetic process.  

Support your classroom learning by reinforcing classroom topics through creative dance to enhance the learning and teaching experience for all.   

You can bring us into your setting to deliver CLPL sessions to your staff. YDance staff can create and deliver fun and engaging bespoke workshops or training courses using a theme or subject of your choice and are suitable for all staff regardless of experience.  

If you are interested in bespoke CLPL for your staff please get in contact with Linzi McLagan, Head of Education at   linzi@ydance.org 

Keep up to date with our CLPL sessions by  subscribing to our newsletter.   

  • Two-day, practical, in-person sessions to refresh and further develop the technical and performance skills of contemporary. Does not include theory around the history and origin of the dance style. Includes handouts, access to recordings of the technical exercises and support for the creation of centre set solos.


    All full-day courses will run from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and take place at 204th Glasgow Scouts Hall, 12 Golf Drive, Old Drumchapel, Glasgow.


    Contemporary course (2 days) – £200. One dance style taught over two days, including handouts, access to recordings of the technical exercises and support for the creation of centre set solos.

    CLPL Package (6 days) – £500. Two dance styles were taught across four days, and the choreography course across two days. Resources are also provided, which include handouts, access to recordings of all technical exercises and support for the creation of centre set solos.

    All training is delivered to the cohort in order to meet the needs of the participants. As such, those with more experience will be challenged, and those with less will be supported to gain the fundamentals upon which to build.

    If you have any queries regarding the suitability of the training, please do contact us.

  • Two-day, practical, in-person sessions to refresh and further develop technical and performance skills of jazz. Does not include theory around the history and origin of the dance style. Includes handouts, access to recordings of the technical exercises and support for the creation of centre set solos. 

    Course Details:

    Each course is delivered over two days, and attendance to both is compulsory.


    All full-day courses will run from 9:00 am – 4:30 pm and take place at 204th Glasgow Scouts Hall, 12 Golf Drive, Old Drumchapel, Glasgow.


    Jazz course (2 days) – £200. One dance style taught over two days, including handouts, access to recordings of the technical exercises and support for the creation of centre set solos.

    CLPL Package (6 days) – £500. Two dance styles taught across four days, and the choreography course across two days. Resources are also provided, which include handouts, access to recordings of all technical exercises and support for the creation of centre set solos.

    All training is delivered to the cohort in order to meet the needs of the participants. As such, those with more experience will be challenged, and those with less will be supported to gain the fundamentals to build.

  • Two-day, practical, in person sessions covering the fundamentals of dance composition to provide teachers with the tools and a method to guide learners through the choreographic process.

    Course Details:

    Each course is delivered over 2 days, attendance to both is compulsory.


    All full day courses will run from 9:00am – 4:30pm and take place at 204th Glasgow Scouts Hall, 12 Golf Drive, Old Drumchapel, Glasgow.


    Choreography course (2 days) – £200. The choreographic course is delivered across two days and includes handouts.

    CLPL Package (6 days) – £500. Two dance styles taught across four days, and the choreography course across two days. Resources are also provided, which include handouts, access to recordings of all technical exercises and support for the creation of centre set solos.

    All training is delivered to the cohort in order to meet the needs of the participants. As such, those with more experience will be challenged, and those with less will be supported to gain the fundamentals upon which to build.

    If you have any queries regarding the suitability of the training, please do contact us.

  • Half day, theory based, online sessions aimed at supporting secondary school teachers delivering SQA Dance to gain further knowledge on the history and origins of a selected dance style alongside an analysis of a professional piece of choreographic work. The sessions will provide tasks and discussions that will support teachers to facilitate their learners’ development of dance theory.

    Half-day theory-based sessions to inspire and rejuvenate teachers who are delivering SQA awards in dance. All courses are aimed at teachers who are delivering SQA Dance in Secondary schools and are looking for fresh ideas to deliver aspects of SQA Dance.

    The course will cover the following:

    Choreographic analysis of Christopher Bruce’s Ghost Dances.

    Monday 13th May 2024 at 1.30 pm-5.30 pm

    The History of Jazz


    All half-day courses will be delivered on Zoom and will take place between 1.30 pm – 5.30pm.


    Half-day training course costs £70. This includes the half-day training session and course handouts.

    Attendance to both courses costs £120. This includes the 2-x half-day training sessions and course handouts.

  • This one-day in person course, aims to develop teachers’ knowledge of creative dance to support the delivery of cross-curricular dance sessions. These sessions will help reinforce pupils’ knowledge of classroom topics as well as develop fundamental movement skills.  

    The course covers: 

    • Understanding the basics of creative dance in educational settings

    • Linking dance with the curriculum

    • Using stories or themes as a foundation for movement

    • Developing balance, co-ordination and fine/gross motor skills